2018-19 ACT 190州担保即将重开!
书接上回,在2019年的9月份,UePath受邀参加了ACT州政府的意见研讨会(参见:2018 ACT州担政策讨论会一手信息分析及未来形势预测),在这以后ACT州政府做了大量的调研,几个月以后,万众期待的190州担保终于要重开了!!下面我们来跟着ACT州政府的这则最新动态来划一下重点:
The ACT 190 Nomination program will reopen on 29 November 2018 with a new process for determining nominated applicants.
— ACT Update
…The number of available visa nominations each year is determined by the Commonwealth’s Department of Home Affairs for each state and territory and the ACT’s current allocation for 2018/19 is 800 nominations.
— ACT Update
上文我们有说到ACT州政府的态度是非常积极的,毕竟移民给堪培拉带来了非常大的经济利益,但是移民局对ACT能够承载的人口数量和能增长的人口有自己的看法,所以在之前的文章当中(2018 ACT州担政策讨论会一手信息分析及未来形势预测),我们有提到这一对对立面的存在。根据目前的情况,基本可以确定这一轮的配额数量是800个,根据之前公开数据,这个数额差不多是略高于16/17年但是低于17/18年的水平。
Demand for the 190 visa in the ACT has exceeded the Territory’s allocation in recent years, so replacing the first-in, first-served system with a merit-based assessment that is more in line with other jurisdictions around Australia will moderate supply and demand throughout the year and more effectively address the ACT’s skills needs.
–ACT Update
今年ACT的筛选机制毫无意外的变成了merit-based assessment,这一点我们在之前的预测文章当中曾经反复强调过。而且我们依然看到根据目前所给信息,我们预测会看到的筛选方式可能会是一个改良版 Canberra Matrix(https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/39385491)。
Potential applicants that were close to qualifying to apply for subclass 190 nomination when the program was partially suspended in June 2018 may be eligible for additional points under the merit-based assessment system….
–ACT Update